A tale of two tales

Of course innovation has been going on since there were people, sticks and fire. But, in terms of the literature, it really started for me in 1990 with Elko J. Kleinschmidt & Robert Cooper’s New Products, Key Factors in Success (with its quite marvellous cover, above. Can you imagine the brainstorm?: 'how ARE we going… Continue reading A tale of two tales

With benefits

It's old news now but Ian Hickson's post on leaving Google after 18 years introduced a really a really fascinating idea. It's a great read throughout - and in places surprisingly direct and acerbic about senior Google managers - but the bit that particularly stood out to me was this: 'Google's culture eroded. Decisions went… Continue reading With benefits

What shall we talk about?

Yesterday was 'Mind the Product' - a conference for product people at the Barbican and online. Of course, it was a hugely polished affair with a wide selection of extremely interesting speakers. It absolutely reminded me of what I like about attending conferences. A few highlights: Tim Hartford ('the undercover economist') picked out a few… Continue reading What shall we talk about?